Integrations (Mailchimp & Klaviyo)
Everything you need to know about our Mailchimp & Klaviyo integrations. They allow you to automatically add your collected emails to your email lists.
- Will orders from other platforms such as TikTok, Facebook (sales through API integrations) count toward my TridentAB test metrics?
- How does the Zapier integration work?
- Can I Instantly Sync and add emails from Tada to Mailchimp or Klaviyo?
- What if I do not have any e-mail marketing app?
- Why are some of my emails not syncing?
- Can I integrate any others tools like: Get Response, ActiveCampaign or AWeber?
- Does Tada support Recharge Checkout?
- How can I set up the Tada Klaviyo Integration?
- Where can I find my Klaviyo private API key and how can I add it to Tada?
- I can't get Tada to automatically sync with my Mailchimp/Klaviyo list.
- Are the email addresses collected automatically sent to the Shopify Email, Mailchimp & Klaviyo lists?